Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Before & After

So a few weeks ago Isaac had a fall on his bike bumping his two front teeth. They became loose but soon tightened back up and we forgot all about it, until yesterday when we noticed an abscess had formed above one of his teeth. I took him into the dentist today and he had to have the tooth removed. He was much braver than his Mom. I had to stay out in the waiting room, and paced the floors. The part he disliked the most was the way his upper lip felt numb. So here is the picture of him just before we left for the dentist and then after. Now he and Emma match she has lost her two bottom front teeth!


Jeff Brown said...

oh what a brave little guy!!! He is getting so big!!

grandmaaleen said...

It's good that the children have such a kind, excellent dentist. We're sorry that you had to lose your tooth early, Isaac; but grateful that another permanent tooth will replace it!

Love to all!
Mom / Grandma Aleen and Uncles Darren and Quentin

Anonymous said...

OH MY! SO glad he took it well! I would have been just like you--pacing the floor! Such a little trooper!